In News

SouthBridge Europe Mezzanine SCA SICAR announces investment in Skroutz, the leading price comparison website platform in the Greek market.

Skroutz ( is an online end-to-end e-commerce service with a consumer centric mindset. The platform focuses on providing a trustworthy and easy to use service with carefully curated content and handpicked merchants who gain access to a channel with millions of consumer visits. The Skroutz web platform has listings from 2.800 e-shops, hosts 9 million unique products and receives more than 750 thousand visits per day.

SouthBridge Europe Mezzanine (www.southbridge– is a €65m investment fund that supports Lower-Mid market companies in Greece and the region to achieve sustainable growth and long-term value. SouthBridge is backed by prime private and institutional investors such as the EIF and EBRD. SouthBridge seeks to support proven management teams and invest in attractive investee companies to finance organic growth, expansion in new products/markets, and/or acquisition of complementary businesses that can provide an additional opportunity to improve competitiveness.

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